iPhone SE

Why the iPhone SE is so cheap? (And why did Apple make a cheap phone in the first place?)

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The iPhone SE is the cheapest iPhone you can buy. At $399 most people in the market for a new device will find that it’s one of the cheapest bargains available on today’s market. And while it offers some premium features(like 4K video and a killer processor), it’s almost surprisingly affordable, especially when you consider it is from Apple.

The iPhone SE is primarily made up of older components, many of them from older models. Its display is the same as the iPhone 8 and its camera model is the same as the iPhone 7.

iPhone SE (Gen 2) all colors
Image Credit: Apple

Apple was able to save additional money by using the same chassis as the iPhone 8, which allowed for the use of the same older assembly lines that were used to manufacture the iPhone 8.

Even with all the cost-cutting, the iPhone SE doesn’t provide the same profit margin as the other iPhones do, but the SE is a great way for Apple to market their product into low-cost markets that are dominated by Android devices, such as India and China. It also provides a cheaper alternative for younger children, and for price-sensitive consumers that might not prefer to invest large amounts of money to buy a more expensive iPhone. The addition of these customers to the Apple ecosystem helps fuel the sales of Apple products in the future and helps Apple develop a stronghold in emerging markets.

iPhone SE White
Image Credit: Apple

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