
Photography 101 – Photography Gear Beginners Don’t Need

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We’ve talked about gear that you need as a beginner photographer. But today’s the time to talk about stuff you don’t need. Photography can get expensive – very expensive. And when you start out it’s never a great idea to go out and buy 50 things only to realize down the line that they go unused. Professionals use gear specifically suited to their needs, and if you decide you want to get the exact same gear they have, the gear might not work for you and things will get very expensive. Here’s some stuff you absolutely don’t need while starting out:

#1: Filters

Now before I start, you might realize that you want some types of filters. Filters come in many different types, and beginners sometimes go all out and buy every single filter on the market. For example, buying a UV/Clear filter might be a good idea while starting out, especially if you have already invested in high-quality lenses. (UV filters just protect your lens from dust and scratches, always invest in a high-quality UV filter though, or else you’ll be better off without one) But apart from a basic UV filter, you probably don’t need anything else. Frankly, if you’re starting out, you don’t even need a UV filter. The reason for not needing a filter is pretty simple, most of what you can get with a filter, you can do in post-production in any editing software like Lightroom. There are many Lightroom presets available online, and just a quick tweaking can make your images look exactly how you want them to look, without a significant investment in filters. If after a few months of experience, you decide you want a particular filter to achieve a particular effect straight from the camera, then it’s worth getting it. I always try to encourage people to try to get gear that they will use, and if you know you are using a particular effect a lot, then buying a filter might be worth it. Exceptions to filters that you don’t want to get, are ND Filters and Polarizing filters. Trying to achieve the effects that these filters create is tricky in post, but I’d only recommend buying these if you actually think you need them after some experimenting.

Camera Filters can give you great results at times. But they aren’t always worth the money, and can also degrade your image quality. Only buy a filter if you are actually going to use it.

#2: Expensive Cameras

Cameras can get expensive, very expensive. As a beginner photographer, investing in a beginner DSLR or Mirrorless camera might seem like a big expense. Trying to buy high-end gear early on is never a good idea. High-end gear can be harder to use, and the expense is pretty significant. A very common misconception a lot of beginners have is that a better camera will make them a better photographer. This is simply untrue, and your photos will probably come out looking very similar. Learning how to use the camera you have to make the most of it is more important than having the best gear. It takes a lot of time and experimenting to learn the exact shutter speeds and apertures you want to get your desired output, and as a beginner, learning that with a cheaper camera can make you feel better than getting garbage results out of a more expensive camera. (What I essentially mean to say is that when people buy expensive cameras they automatically expect that they will be taking stellar photos, which unfortunately isn’t true.) Photography isn’t about the gear anymore, it’s about the art. We live in an era where phones have pretty decent cameras already, and if you can’t even get a DSLR or Mirrorless camera, learning how to shoot photos from your phone is a great way to begin.

#3: Expensive Lenses

Cameras are pretty expensive already, but unfortunately for us, lenses have been known to be even higher priced than the cameras themselves. (This fact shocks beginners but it is pretty much an industry standard) Chances are if you bought an entry-level professional camera, you probably got a kit lens with it. That lens should be more than enough for you at this point in your photography journey (the only other lens I’d recommend to beginners is a 50mm Prime lens) A lot of people decide they want a whole selection of lenses to be ready for every single photo opportunity possible, but they fail to realize that the people that use expensive specialized lenses are usually in focused niches of photography. Now, I’m not saying that a better lens won’t change your photo quality, but at this point, as I said before, learning how to use the gear you have is more important than purchasing new and expensive gear that you will never get to use.

As you continue your photography journey, you will start to find that a certain type of lens could make most of your photos better and purchasing that one lens, then, will be a good decision. I personally never like to carry more than two lenses with me at a time, and if I’m capturing memories, I’ll just carry one camera body and one lens (usually a kit lens or something along the likes of that). Remember, having better gear won’t make you a better photographer, learning how to use your gear and learning the basics of photography will.

#4: Camera Drone

Don’t even get me started about this one – Drones just aren’t for beginner photographers. Don’t think I hate those super cool-looking aerial shots, or think that I hate drones overall, it’s just that drones are… hard. Taking photos with a drone involves all the same rules as does taking photos with a camera, but on top of that, you are also disconnected from the camera this time. There is no way for you to actually see what the drone is ‘seeing’. Drones also don’t have the best battery life and learning how to use a camera, on a drone, with terrible battery life, along with having to learn how to fly the drone and not crash it into every single obstacle in sight can be a little too much. Also, have I mentioned that drones are expensive. They can sink a deep hole in your wallet, and you can’t even use them for a lot of the things you would use a conventional camera for. Even if you have the extra money, don’t spend it on a drone just yet. Learn how to take photos using a ‘normal’ camera, even if you know aerial photos are your thing, and then decide if you actually want to make the investment and buy a drone.

Even though drones can be really good for aerial shots, you definitely don’t need one as a beginner.

#5: Expensive Accessories

Photography Accessories be very expensive. Even backpacks to keep your gear in can range into the mid-to-high hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Not to say this gear isn’t bad or useful, but as a beginner spending big bucks on things that probably won’t improve your photography all that much, if they will at all, isn’t worth it. Don’t buy high-quality carbon fibre tripods, for example, if you need one, a cheap off of amazon can work for now. Same thing with expensive hard drives, or those overpriced camera bags or all the random bits and bobs that your favourite creators use. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t buy high-quality gear, or you shouldn’t spend too much money on accessories, but as a beginner learning which accessories work best for you and what will benefit you most is more important than buying all those cool little things that everyone advertises.


Hobbies can get expensive, and photography can be even more expensive than most and that’s one of the biggest reasons a lot of people tend to shy away from the hobby. That being said, it doesn’t have to be as expensive as you think it does, and you don’t need every single little thing in the world that will make your photos look better. Learning how to make the most of what you have is probably one of the most important things you can learn as a photographer. So keep on using the gear you have, taking fabulous photos, and work your way up to having all the crazy gear that professionals have. Be sure to check out our article of things you need as a beginner photographer to get the best gear for the best price.

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