How Xiaomi’s new smart glasses might change the world.

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Phones. Phones have become one of the most integral parts of our lives. Something we can’t live without. They have gone from a luxury to a necessity. And the fact the smartphones have been alone for less than two decades tells us how fast the world is innovating. New ideas coming into the picture, becoming reality, every single day. And the fact is, that even though smartphones are the norm today, in a few years, they might become things of the past. That day when we see smartphones gone is coming sooner than we think.

Smart glasses might replace smartphones. And Xiaomi has just announced a new product that might change the world as we know it. The Xiaomi smart glasses will be somewhat a replacement for the modern smartphone. From calling to watching to trying to find out how to get to your third cousin’s house in the middle of nowhere. And not to forget a camera. And even though the display, in reality, is tiny, using technology developed by Xiaomi, it allows for a much larger display to be seen by the eye. The glasses can do everything, viewing notifications, giving you directions and accepting phone calls, all the way to translating text, so that you can travel with peace of mind. All of this technology in a pair of glasses might seem quite remarkable, this is setting up the new era of technology. And Xiaomi is at its head.

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